
Keeping Your Printer Alive and Well

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Keeping Your Printer Alive and Well

When you have to meet a deadline, nothing is more frustrating than an unresponsive printer. In addition to being technically annoying, malfunctioning printers can also be costly to repair and messy. However, if you can learn how to care and maintain your printer, you might be able to avoid surprise repair sessions before class starts. I want to teach you everything that I know about printers, so you should check out my blog. You will find information on everything from how to clean your system to how to calibrate those print heads. You never know, it could make things a lot easier for you one day.

Designing A Print Insert: Three Tips To Help You Convey The Right Message

Items in checkout lines such as gum, toothbrushes, travel toiletries, and candy rely on customer's impulse control—or lack thereof—to sell. Like those items sitting on shelves in the store, insert ads use impulse to gain the attraction of a customer—or potential customer. In order to work, the person viewing the ad needs to immediately react to the offer, product, or service.

If you are thinking about using inserts to advertise your business, use these three design tips to ensure customers react positively to your message:

1. Catchy Headline

The headline is, perhaps, the most important part of your insert. It needs to be catchy and immediately draw the viewer in. Once reading the headline, the viewer should want to read more. While puns and cute phrases do work, it is more important that you know your audience and appeal to them.

For example, an ad insert about a healthy eating magazine might read: "Blast the Fat: 10 Ways to Burn Fat Without Lifting a Finger." Although it is a big promise, it tells the viewer that you can offer them unique ideas for their problem. Just make sure you can follow through with said title.

2. Text Matters

The text in your ad is vitally important. If the text is too small, people might toss it away because they cannot read it without their glasses. If the text is too large, you won't be able to fit everything you want to say.

As a general rule of thumb, choose a text size between 9 and 12 points, which is the standard. If you are in doubt about the size, print off a few different inserts with the different sizes and see which looks better. You might also ask a few friends, relatives, or co-workers to verify that the size looks good and is readable.

In addition, make sure you choose a font that is easy to read. Stay away from fancy text options such as comic sans, bold, capital, and cursive fonts. Those fonts may be pretty to you, but they may be hard to read for others.

3. Add Images

As the old saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words." Images play an important role in your insert. They capture attention, convey a message, and may display your product or service. Depending on the size of your insert, be sure to include 1-3 images—in varying sizes too.

While you may think creating a print insert is intimidating, it is actually fun and easy. Just use these tips, and professional printing services, to ensure your insert gains the attention of your target audience. To get professional help with your insert, contact a company such as the Flottman Company.